Friday, May 6, 2011


Not much to report since we won't be going back to G'ville till Monday morning. Glenn is working on getting his business ventures rounded up for the months of May and June. Today we are enjoying the day with our daughter :-). Our friends got admitted today and will be started on his treatment today. His treatment is slightly different than Glenn's so they were able to go in today. Glenn isn't getting as many days of chemo as our friend is because of his (Glenn's) kidney problems. Kidneys won't process it as well. But the Dr. assured us that the chemo he does get is plenty for what he needs.


  1. Hang in, there, Glenn. For some reason, we love ya!


  2. Hi Eda Sue and Glenn: I have been working out of town and unable to get on the internet so just caught up this a.m. on the progress of your new adventure :). Even though you don't hear from us as often - you are never far from our thoughts and prayers - my prayer candle is burning brightly for you and all our friends and relatives who are depending on God to get them thru the tough times. Hang in there and hugs and kisses from your Peoria family.
