Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good News!

Glenn had an appointment in G'ville today. To sum it all up, there is a shot that he has to get every two weeks that more than meets the "share of cost" for medicaide...  Sooooo he can resume all his medical care!!!! It was so cute how the Dr. had a little smirk on his face when he told us what the shot would cost, because he knows what we've been going through. Yahooooo!!! God had it all worked out. Well, of course, we knew that already, but it's nice to see the answer finally. We have to go back to G'ville tomorrow because he has a follow-up appointment with the pulmonologist and he also has to get a couple units of blood because his blood count is down. His kidney function, according to his labs, is "in the toilet",( pardon the pun!). I'm sure not having treatment for a couple months has something to do with that, even though his kidney function isn't expected to improve but keep getting worse. But at least now he can move forward with getting an access implanted to get ready for dialysis, since finances are not standing in the way. We will have a busy next four days because I have to work on packing the house for our move, spend the whole day in G'ville tomorrow, finish packing the kitchen Friday and take a load over to the new place. Then Saturday the rest of the stuff will be moved. We won't totally unpack because we are temporarily going to live a 3 bedroom unit until probably the middle of Feb. when the 2 bedroom unit will become available.
Well, I must go now and do some packing.....

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for the good news!

    So wish I could help you, but I have been spending the last week in the bed, on MY birthday with PNEUMONIA! Good Grief! At my present new age,that is an illness that could kill me.
    I pray all goes well and I know our brothers and sisters will not let you down on the move.
    Maybe I can be of some help when you move into
    the smaller apartment.

    Love you crazy people
