As I said in the last entry, we never know what to expect when we go to G'ville for Glenn's appt.s. Today was the shortest appt. we've had in a long time: in and out by noon! It seemed like a quiet day when we checked in because there wasn't anybody in the waiting room when we got there, although there were a couple people who came in after us. But we didn't have to wait too long for anything today. His kidney function continues to stay stable, (actually went from 15% last week to 16% today). His other counts were down from last week but not enough to be a concern yet. So he just got the shot he gets every two weeks for his red blood cell count and we were out of there.
I should back up to yesterday's appt. with the nephrologist: bottom line is that he wants Glenn to go forward with getting the fistula placed. But we all agreed that Glenn would ask the VA Dr. to request a referral to the nephrologist there at Shands in G'ville. We tried to get him in there before but they don't accept medicaid, so we're thinking we can get it covered by the VA. And our neph. wants to get a new set of eyes from the nephrology view point on Glenn's case anyway. So that's our new strategy. Our nephrologist also wants to rethink having chemo treatments, what are we trying to accomplish with it. And if it's to save the kidney's, he thinks unless there is a significant improvement in the kidney function, his kidney's are probably too far damaged to try and save and decide if the chemo is necessary. He will talk to the oncologist about it all this week, hopefully and come to some determination about what we should do from here. I'm glad he is thinking this way, because I said I think it's time we step back and look at the situation and what we're doing and if we need to take a different strategy. Glad the Dr. agrees with me!
I want to add that Glenn has been much nicer this week, (since he completed the high dose steroids) :-) His swelling is ssslllloooowwwwlllyyy going down. He'll be glad to get back into clothes that are more becoming to him.
So, that's all for now. ( I think I might get to go play Mah Jongg tomorrow!!! But I don't want to say that too loud and jinx it.)
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