This week has been pretty unremarkable, so that's why it's been quiet here on the blog. Glenn got his semi-monthly shot for his red blood cell count yesterday, and his labs looked pretty good. They didn't test for his kidney function this time, but they will when we go back Monday for his chemo treatment. We suspect it's not getting any better because he has been very swollen for a couple weeks now. And we talked about shaving his head because he is shedding so much, we suspect either from poor kidney function or chemo treatments. He is dragging his feet about calling to schedule for the fistula to be placed. Can't blame him, can you? But it really needs to happen soon so it can "mature" for about four months and be available for use.
We got our van back Saturday, yea!!!! Glenn keeps busy with insurance companies and the lawyer, when he's not getting treatment at the chiropractor or other Dr.s. I wish we could hire his own personal massage therapist. Seems like more and more parts of his body are needing to be massaged. He gets frequent foot massages from me, especially when they are as swollen as they are now. Also gets his shoulders massaged pretty often, usually when we are riding in the car. One thing we are very pleased about is that his ears have pretty much opened up since he stopped taking the high doses of steroids. It took several weeks for them to clear up, but now he can hear much better. When they were plugged up, he would talk quite loudly on the phone and I would remind him that he was yelling. You may notice when you talk to him on the phone now that he is talking normally.
Our daughter was home from New York last week for several days and we enjoyed her staying with us. She will be back permanently in a week and half and has rented an apartment in town. We will all be soooo glad to have her back here.
TTFN (Ta ta for now).
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