Thursday, October 3, 2013

Quick report

Hello! Just a quick report from our G'ville visit yesterday. Glenn's labs, at least the ones that were ready by the time we left, were not much different. His disease levels are up again, after going down a little last time we were there, but no treatment is necessary.  We will hear this week about other labs. Poor Glenn had to get 6 (SIX!) shots yesterday for his final immunizations. (When a person has a stem cell transplant, he has to start all over with immunizations since all the immunities were wiped out with the transplant). He was a brave boy though, considering how much he hates needles. So far he hasn't had any effects from them that might happen after immunizations. Let's hope he doesn't, because he has his customer service workshop tomorrow and has to be on top of his game. If we get any negative news from the rest of his labs I'll post it, otherwise, ttfn.

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