Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A passing era

My sister reminded me today that not all of you are friends with me on fb, so I should probably fill those of you in that category in on recent events.
Last week, Glenn's 95 year old mother, Martha, passed away after living with Alzheimer's disease for about 10 or so years. Her body just gave up. We were so glad for her to enter her rest, although on this side of it, we are missing her a lot, all of us. We had many wonderful years with her, since she lived with us for 23 years, all the years of our kids' growing up. We moved in together when Andy was 8 months old, she moved with us wherever we moved, and she went into a nursing home the summer that Anne-Marie graduated from high school. The kids' lives are so much more enriched for having their grandma live with them and help them grow up. She was one of the three constants in their lives, and they are missing her now as much as Glenn and I are. For Glenn, Mom is irreplaceable. For me, she made it possible to be able to do things that without her I couldn't have. We couldn't discuss our  finances in her presence because if we did, she would offer us all the money she had. As I eluded to at her funeral, she was without a doubt "The Wind Beneath My Wings", in my shadow making me look good. For the kids growing up, they loved to go into Grandma's room with her, shut the door and do whatever grandmas and grandkids do together. I was a little jealous of the relationship she had with them.When the Grandma they knew faded away, it was too hard for them to go visit her and see her not being herself. It's still hard for us to talk about her in the past tense. But so happy for her that she has laid down this weary life of hers, having fought the battle and won.

As far as Glenn's stuff: the oncologist here said he can't figure out why Glenn's platelets are staying down. He doesn't fit the typical reasons for platelets to be low. So he said he has to just shrug his shoulders and say, "I don't know." I guess we just wait and see if anything happens. I punched him in the arm the other day and he didn't bleed or get a bruise, so that's a good sign. (He deserved that punch, by the way.) The pulmonologist in G'ville said the nodules that were on Glenn's lungs are not there anymore, and we don't have to see him again unless something else comes up. One up for God! And since we won't see the oncologist in G'ville for several more weeks, there is nothing to report there. As  far as the kidneys and dialysis, it's going well, although lately his legs have been swelling, and he may have to add a short dialysis once during the day. And the nephrologist changed one of the blood pressure meds, and started Glenn on another one, a fifth one. His bp is ok,  but not where the Dr. would like to see it. All in all, he is doing well enough that I let him drive places by himself.  (Yes, I get the reigns!)
So now you are all updated on Glenn's stuff.


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