Yesterday was another treatment day for Glenn. It was supposed to be a long day, when he gets two different chemos, but because one of his counts was too low, he just got one of the chemos. On the other hand, he is off the strict watch for infections. That means he is not restricted in what he eats, and can go out in crowds again. He was happy about that because he has really gotten into eating fresh fruits, which are off limits when he is on "infection watch" because of the bacteria that can be on the skins.
I think we are getting a handle on the edema vs. diuretics. His swelling is much improved and he was able to get into his "skinny" jeans today. He is able to walk better because his knees and ankles are much less swollen. He's a happy camper!
We had some friends over tonight, who live in Illinois and the Villages. They are staying at the World Golf Village this week, (in a time share), and because they have to leave Friday before their week is over they offered us to stay there this weekend. So we are getting a weekend "away" finally. It's only about 20 minutes away from where we live but it's away. We are so grateful for this opportunity; Glenn has wanted to go away for a weekend for a long time but we haven't been able to until now. God is so good! (And thank you so much, J&K!)
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