Monday, August 22, 2011

Plan B has begun

Glenn had his first chemo treatment of this new plan today and so far so good. He says he feels kind of weird but  not feeling nauseated or any of the side effects we will be looking for. He will have chemo twice a week for two weeks, then a week off. Then another cycle like that and after those two cycles he will be evaluated to see if this treatment is working or if it will need to be adjusted. We still would feel more comfortable doing this in G'ville. I don't know whether or not he is going to pursue that some more. There are certainly pros and cons for being in either place. One of the cons of having treatment here is that it costs a co-pay every time we go to the office here  in Jax. But we have to say that God has continually provided for our needs and has poured out his love on us through his people and their loving compassion and generosity. The thought keeps going through my mind of the scripture that says "Let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth." We continually are being loved with actions and we are reassured that we don't have to be afraid of being in need.
We continue to be so thankful for all of you who are praying for us and supporting us in every way you can. We really appreciate all of our friends.

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